Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sony DCR-SX41 dubbing help!?

So i have a super important video that i need to get onto my computer. the problem is that i don't have a firewire. The video is saved on my internal hard drive (of the handycam) and needs to be moved to my camera memory stick (which i didn't have the time of the recording). once it is on there, i can stick it into my computer hard drive and go from there. the problem is that whenever i try to dub the video, it says that movie recording is disabled. if you could help, that would be amazing! i've been trying to figure it out for the past 2 hours. oh! and the memory stick HAS NOT been finalized or corrupted. I tried another memory stick, and the same message popped up. this video is super important so any help would be amazing!

What do you think of my poem? Please, I need some constructive criticism?

This is a wonderful poem, I love it! Though, in this line, "swirl up calmly and place my head" did you mean to say "curl up calmly and place my head"? That's the only thing I could find to "critique" because it's really very good. Sorry! :)

Why am I so damn horrible in math?

I'm 15 and am currently attending a high school continuation program that is an online class. I failed algerbra 1 and barely got out of algerbra readiness in the 8th grade with a C-. I have been horrible in math since the 2nd grade but thanks to our horrible educational system, they passed me again all the way to high school. People say logical thinkers are usually good in math. Here's the thing. I AM a logical thinker. I can identify solutions to real world problems others can't see. I even applied the "In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king" analogy to Susie Orman since I don't get why she is so popular. But that's not the point. I don't get why nothing ever clicks to me in math. I can't improve. I never get better. I forget things very easily and even if I take notes, when I get home, the notes look like someone else wrote them. I HATE studying because to me it never works. And I don't like being tutored by my brother. It's just the way I am. My brother is EXTREMELY smart in math but I hate being tutored by him. One of the things that REALLY REALLY PISSES ME OFF about math is how frustrating it is to me. My anger issues get in the way of me trying to solve a problem. I often get to the point of breaking things and have to calm myself down in class whenever I raise my fist to smash my desk with. I even get to the point of destroying my self-esteem by telling myself how much of a failure I am. I even CRY because of math. I CRY. A 15 year old man (I look like a friggin' 20 year old) CRYING. It's pathetic. Anyway, about my continuation program. The ONLY HOPE I HAVE IN GETTING INTO GEOMETRY NEXT SEMESTER. It BLOWS CHUNKS. You have this pie chart that is separated with slices that are math subjects. There is 250 (I think) topics you have to master. But here is the ******* RETARDED part. At the end of every day at this shithole, you do this assessment. It involves the whole pie chart into a 25 question mini quiz. I worked REALLY FREAKIN' HARD to get to over 170 topics. Then after finishing the assessment, I go down to 160!!!!!!! It doesn't stop there. I get back to 170 and the next assessment brings me down to 154!!!!! Thats FAILING!!!!............. I need to calm down. So as you can see, math is a ***** to me. It messes with my life. Everything is going fine until math comes along and screws everything up. Just like it always does. My Mom pretends to care and she just makes things worse. Also the person that watches us when we are in class bugs the hell outta me. Every time she says we have an assessment at the end of class, I clench my fist and start to shake in anger. Then go home, TRY to do some problems on the website at home, get angry. Exit out the window and cry about how stupid I am. I am not even that stupid. I like every other class. It's just math....... Why........ Why do they make us learn this? It's not even learning, It's just trying to memorize formula for the next test. It's a waste of time....... Help me......

Sony handycam screen flickers?

Hello, i have a sony handycam (DCR-SR52) and the screen constantly flickers when i try to record. Any ideas how to fix this problem???

My dad yelled at me and I gave him the middle finger?

There has never been a day that passed in my life (im 18) where my dad did not yell or curse at me. Seriously, my earliest memories of him was his yelling and cursing at me. anyways, today he REALLY yelled, and yeah i talked back but I never yelled back, i just replied in a calm voice. After 5 minutes he wouldn't shut up and I was just ignoring him and my blood was boiling inside me! i couldn't take it but i couldn't tell him to shut up. But i lost control of myself and i gave him the middle finger and he just about exploded. he was shaking from anger and i got real scared. i tried to calm him down and he just ran and yelled even more. i could see people outside my house stop outside. I feel so guilty for doing that but at the same time i can't say im sorry for doing it. i can't really express myself verbally so i felt that was the only way i could express myself at the time. I think this pretty much ended our relationship. Do you think it was a horrible thing for me to do? Should I move out? I don't think i can face him any longer....

Christians and nose rings?

As a Christian you should think twice about putting any mark on your body or any extraordinary piercings. But in genereral any piercing in the triangle from the nose to the mouth can lead to a fatal infection. That is if you get an infection in that area it is more likely than say an ear lobe infection to travel to the brain and kill you. This is esopecially true of tongue piercing. But as a Christian I would warn you not to do it.

How can I upload video from my SOny DCR-HC40 without firewire?

I do not have firewire and cannot seem to upload video via usb. Is there a program that would allow me to do so? I bought this camcorder used and it did not come with any software. Please help!!

Is this a good high school wardrobe for a freshman for August-mid October?

its sound good to me but u just have to worry about the way you put the pieces together. concentrate on what shoes to wear wit wat and wat accessories go good with wat etc things like that.

Anger management techniques?

i am disappointed to say that i have resorted to violence against my boyfriend, myself and the things around me in the apartment. i have bipolar II disorder along with a whole slew of others such as ptsd, borderline personality, and others that i'm not sure what they are. i take meds to make it better, but sometimes i run out or forget. i have extreme anger and anxiety issues and my moods swing between the two. what are some anger management techniques that i can employ when i'm about to have an episode that might help me calm my extreme emotions?

I lost the CD that came with my Sony DCR-SR45 Camcorder. How do I download my files onto my computer?

Since I lost the CD I also don't have the software that is required to download from the camcorder to PC.

Bad Taurus traits... how to avoid them?

So .... I really want to become a more 'upbeat' and confident person!! Not dense and slow.... stubborn like I am (I'm a taurus/earth element, which explains everything) is there any possible advice? Even if it takes a lot of practice! I'm up for it, I just don't want to be like such a 'down, calm, weak, dense, slow' type of person, I wanna be like fire! I still want to be grounded and dedicated, focused and all... but I don't want to be dense, it's a bad trait that's a defect especially for career-related! If anyone has any advice, it would be beyond extremely helpful!!

Why is she angry when i only said the truth?

this friend of mine sat in my lap today and it really hurt, she has a flat hard but and she sat right on my jewels so i told her to get up that her and that her "boney *butt* was stabbing me in bad places" and she got really offended. i kno it could sound kinda mean, but it was all in a jovial spirit and she just got pissed, though i made light of the fact she actually really did hurt me. and i other friends were there and made cracks at me about the whole thing, in the same insulting jovial way. so what is her problem? really she can always dish out stuff but can never take it

Changing the tongue jewel?

I had pierced my tongue 15 days before now Can i replace the longer barrel with the shorter one...can i replace it bY myself or i again have to visit the piercer

I don't feel the need to get angry, am I weird?

I don't ever get really angry. I can only remember a couple of times in my life that I have almost seen red and felt I was screaming so much I was almost out of control. Not that I mind being out of control, I just think that things can so often be delt with better when one is in control. You can then be calm, think things through and talk without screaming. It's less stressful and emotional and it uses a lot less energy. The last time I remember losing my temper was when I left my husband 15 years ago. I was so angry that he had not listened to me all the times I had tried to talk to him about problems we were having and the situations that I was finding unbearable and he chose to ignore and carry on. Consequently things had broken down and fallen apart, I was angry that all we could have had was gone and I'd tried so hard to keep things together for both of us. I screamed and shouted and then left and since then nothing has ever got me so wound up. I am now a single parent with a child with severe learning difficulties and my life is very tough on a day to day basis, I suffer with depression and anxiety and even the smallest simplest things can be a massive challenge, but I don't get angry, what would it achieve? Am i weird??

DS: Question about one of my dogs behavior, aggression?

Your dog's behavior was perfectly normal. It's a guard dog guarding your home. Further, running through the backyard triggered his prey reflex.

Accidently got rid of my JC profewssion in wow?

i accidentally got rid of my Jewel crafting profession in wow instead of skinning. i dont wanna spend 10k gold to get back to before and do all the dailies over again please there has to be a way to get it all back

I drink about 6 cans of diet soda a day, i think im addicted?

ii read that aspartame poisoning could lead to anxiety, depression, mood swings, nervous feelings.. i am afraid to go to sleep some nights just because im not sure what my dream will be about. im nervous to go to school each morning because i dont know who i will see. i drink about 6 diet sodas a day.. i feel very uneasy without it, but it calms me down soo much. am i addicted? should i be concerned?

Very important horse question?

I ride western and need to know how to protect my jewels while riding because when trotting I bounce hard slamming them into the horse saddle and idw this to prevent me from having kids what do most people do bout this problem be nice and not dumb answers

Anyone know how i can control my extremely low functiong highly aggresive autistc brother?

he is 15 and is about 5.9. thz to synergy he has the strength of 1 and a half men. he can become aggresive at the drop of a hat over somthing as simple as he wanted the water you were drinking even though you just gave him 2 big glasses of it. (real situation happend yesterday) and when he goes bonkers he can literally bring you down to the ground with one hand. and nothing we do seems to calm him down. hes on meds and they do absolutly nothing. his psychiatrist who is supposed to be the best in our state has absolutly no personality and her only advice is to put him in an institiute. and that was on the first day she met him as a lil boy when he wasnt so aggresive. the only reason why we are still with her is because noone else will take him. weve tried other and they gave the same song and a dance put him in a home. were at wits end, and we dont belive in putting him in a home. and as for things weve tried at home, weve tried an art and dance, program for autistic kids and that turned out to be a total joke. we attempted to try the whole horse back thing but before we even made any appt they said it wasnt a good idea since he was aggreisve and could spoke the horse. and we tried the whole glutein free ting for about a good 3 months. but not only did we see any results it was coslty for. keep in mind were not the richest people. and as i said in the question he was diagnosed as low functiong, highly autisc i belive somthing to that effect. so do you have any kind of possible idea that i could do to help my lil brother, hes getting older and stronger. any at all suggestions would be great appreciated.

I got several dog bits what should i do?

Mate, i would go to the doctor if i were you. Even though the dog doesn't have an infection, the wound itself may develop an infection. You may need a needle to prevent any complications.

How to get your lurcher to come back?

she will stay with me on the walk and comes back when i call her from chasing rabbits, only to a certain distance though, and shes recently started jumping and nipping me, i know shes just over excited but its really annoying. i push her down and make her sit and calm down before carrying on. i walk her through feilds for a about an hour and a half in the evening and about 40 mins during the day, and still when i get to the gate she just stares at me, i just to run and dive into the grass and she would chase and i would catch her that way but that doesnt work anymore she just stands and stares at me, or starts running in circles. i tried putting her on her leads during the walk and letting her off again now she doesnt come close bacuse she knows what im doing shes a collie greyhound cross so very clever. shes perfect in the house does everything i tell her too this is the only problem. ive had lurchers before and i know they are excitable just want some tips on how to get her to come back better. thanks

How to transfer videos from a camcorder to a memory card?

I have a sony dcr sx44 camcorder that is not compatible with my computer, so i wanted to transfer the videos on my camera to a memory card as i have no internal memory left. how do i do that??

I need help with Sony Handycam DCR-TRV 225-255-260...?

your camcorder is the Digital8 kind. it simply cannot play LP tapes as it is designed for higher tape speed. Digital8 runs twice the speed of even SP recordings. you need to get a regular video8/Hi8 camcorder to play LP tapes, preferably one that is the same model as was used to record originally.

I just got my nails done, when can I shower?

I just got my nails professionally done, with a jewel, and a design, like 15 minutes ago. When can I shower?

I want to re-do my room, but I have no ideas!?

I'm a teen girl and I want to re-do my room. Right now, it is kind of a "parisian" theme, with black creme and dark red accents. I want to re-do it and make it something sophisticated and not too girly. My vision right now is all white furniture and all white bedding with a crisp, fluffy down comforter. And then a ton of jewel-toned throw pillows. And then colorful, quirky accents like tea-pots, vases, flower arrangements, mirrored chests, and paintings. Any ideas? Please help. I'm so confused

How can i broadcast one area wirelessy, but live, using a handycam DCR-DVD203?

I want to film a certain area that doesnt have wifi. I want my family to see it live though, do i need to purchase something and where can i find it?

How do I convert my Sony handy cam DCR-SX44 videos to work with after effects cs4?

When I try to import the videos into After Effects, it keeps on saying error: may have unsupported format. 86:1 (something like that). I am able to convert the video, but the quality is worse than it was before, and so I was wondering if there was a way to convert the video, while keeping the same quality or better.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How do I print a jewel case insert for a cd burned with Windows Media Player 12?

In my Windows XP I could highlight the playlist I burned and just click 'file' - "print" and it would print all the songs I burned on a jewel case insert. Now I have Windows 7 and there is no option on the 'file' menu. have searched extensively and cannot see how I can print all the songs in my playlist.

W~P~S~ Picks/Thoughts on Sunday's Canadian's Queen's Plate 2011?

Please, please, please punters....have Bowman's Causeway at 6-1 or more when the gates open; I need some cash for the July 4th festivities. This cat is bred for the distance and has bloodlines that point to a legit Canadian Triple Crown threat. Sitting on a huge effort and the outside post is where you want to be....the Trial was a comeback; the Plate is his chance to shine // place - Ojibway Signal // show - Check Your Soul

I am Sagittarius with Scorpio Rising and Pisces do we match up?

Here's the thing forget all that horoscope **** it is worthless if you like the guy you will know not some bull***t made up to sell tabloids and cosmos

How do you delete videos and images from a Sony handycam's hard drive?

I have a sony handycam dcr-sx44 and I already deleted the videos and images from the video camera but doesnt it get stored somewhere else too? I want to know how to get it COMPLETELY gone. Could someone please explain how to remove the images and videos fully?

Getting the best Quality with my miniDV camera?

Okay, I have a Sony DCR-VX100. I know, ancient. I want to try and squeeze the best quality possible from this baby until I get enough money to upgrade to HD, though. One thing I noticed is that sometimes the final image on my computer is really grainy looking, but sometimes its not. Should I shoot with more light? Should I try and get a better quality miniDV tape? If so, what brand would be best? Is the program I use to transfer the DV onto my computer affecting the quality at all? Do some programs retain better image quality? Help, please!

Sony DCR HC23E Usb Driver?

I have a handy cam, is series's DCR HC23E and I have a problem with it. When I want to transfer data (video, photo) from the handy cam to my PC, I cant. Whether I've tried to download many drivers from a lot of websites, it don't work. Thus, you can give me the driver for my handy cam? Its series's SONY DCR HC23E. Thank you.

Will this SDHC memory card fit my camcorder?

yes , these are quite expensive , even the class is good enough for video , I would take it before she changes her mind (bargain)

Does hard work really pay off?

So the other day my friends and I were arguing over My Little Ponies. He refused to believe that they real. To prove my friend wrong I went to a ranch one night and painted some of the horses, dyed their manes and even put decorations on them (jewels, etc). I need to if it was a coincident that he got arrested for selling candy to kids from his unmarked van?

Camcorder recommendations?

I just bought the sony handycam dcr-sx45, havent even played with it but found out there was no internal memory and it wasnt hd. bah! Started reading some reviews and now i'm totally leaning towards taking it back. I bought a bunch of digital cameras but none of them were what i wanted (i like to record videos and pick apart the images i want...not very good idea with a point-and-shoot camera), anybody have recommendations? Preferably under 400? thanks

I'm having trouble connecting my sony dcr-hc35e camera through firewire. help?

i have a sony handycam dcr-hc35e which is a miniDV camera. i've seen all there is to see on the internet about plugging or unplugging it, but with no use. i was also wondering if there is someone that has the model and would like to tell me how he/she managed to connect it through firewire. my screen says "DV IN" so it should be connected, but the software doesn't detect my camera. thanks in advance!

Do you think she's overreacting?

Okay so here's the story, Two nights ago I remembered It was going to be my girlfriends Birthday( 1year 3 months ^-^) the day after, but I had no money to get her anything, so I call my friend to give me any ideas that would get me cash fast, he brought up his little fight club he had going on but I had refused many times before, But this time I had no other choice but to do it. He told me the last man standing wins 3 grand, so I figure might as well give it a try, So I go, and i actually win ( im not going to lie they hurt me pretty bad but I say it was worth it :D ) So with my newly hard earned cash I decided to buy her a diamond necklace, On my way there, I looked at my reflection and I was cut up pretty bad and I had a Black eye, I couldn't really do anything about it since the store was going to close, so i went in there and purchased the necklace and left, I got home and tried to put the swelling down and disinfected my cuts. The next day I arrived at her home, But she was shocked to see me in that state and asked me what happened, Of course i wasnt going to tell her, but she called my buddy and his dumbass didn't know she was going to flip out if she actually knew what I did to get her that necklace. Now she knows and shes pretty pissed at me, she doesn't even want to talk, what should I do to calm her down? Why is she so mad? any ideas?

I can not upload video to my laptop?

on my old laptop i was running vista and was able to upload video from my sony dcr-hc26 handy cam through the picture perfect motion disc provided with the camera. Now i have a new laptop with windows 7 and it will not recognize the handycam. Does anyone know a way around this problem?

Camera Buying help please?

You would probably get a better answer in the camcorder category. Consumer Reports likes the Canon FS31.

How is morphine measured when given through an IV?

Ever since I had my gallbladder out I have been having episodes of intense pain, sometimes to the point that I have to go to the hospital. I had never had morphine before until I started going to the hospital during all this. During the past five months I had to have five morphine injections through an IV. I don't particularly like having to be given morphine all the time but it's the only thing that sort of, key words, SORT OF works to calm the pain. So my question is how is morphine measured (mg, ml, cc, etc) when given through an IV? And was in a normal dose? The last time I was in the hospital they gave me "400" of morphine and then about fifteen mins later another "400" of it. That seems like an awful lot to me and I could feel it tingle through my body but maybe that's actually normal? I'm just curious.

When i sing it sounds like im moaning.. :( oh no?

no matter how hard i try or how much i dont try, how loud or quiet i am it comes out like moaning! my natural talking voice is your basic high pitch california voice, high pitch, calming, i either talk really slow or really fast you get it. ok well i dont know if i sing high or low i think im in the middle cause i can do both; just not well. im a pretty sucky singer. i really want to be able to sing anything from selena gomez to maroon 5 to all time low to mumford and sons to katy perry to the killers to the main to kesha.i dont want to sing like them i just want to be able to do a huge range of songs while keeping my voice unique, well yeah you get it. why does it sound like im moaning and how do i fix it?even when i talk it some times sounds like im moaning i do moan a lot. im just very vocal. i really need to fix it. its embarrassing that i cant sing without sounding like im in pain or overly excited....

What to do with your annoying brother-in-law?

There is only one problem in my happy relationship with my partner - its his younger brother. He is 31 and still lives with his dad (they lost their mom 2 years ago), never had a separate, grown-up life - his serious partners moved in with the family, together with his parents. My bf however, was absolute independent from the age of 18, that's one thing why he became my man I believe. But Little Brother (LB) always been mommy's little boy, their mum spoiled him very much... and now that she's gone of course he became vulnerable all of a sudden, and on the top of that last year his gf left him. My bf took full responsibility of him afterwards, and thats when I had to experience LB's character: he is an intellectual guy, really smart (wanna-be lawyer), but his personality is just unbearable. Extremely selfish, material, aggressive, and never realize if he is disturbing us with his presence. The last few weeks there was hardly any days when he didn't come over - you know he just pops in for "5 mins", then he stucks in our flat for hours, talking and talking and still talking. Me and my bf are both really calm and never talk too much - we love quiet and harmony when we are home, I kinda got used to it, so constant talking (and complaining about government, celebrities, basically about everything) is getting on my nerves... but my bf apparently loves him so much that he wouldn't tell him off, would do everything in his favour (maybe still cause of their mum's death? don't know), even if he might know that I would rather be only with him sometimes (only 1 or 2 evenings a week without friends or relatives, is it that much?). I cannot tell all this to my bf, because I don't wanna make him feel that he has to choose between two people he loves so much... I am dreading that he would hate me if I ever tell him all the offences and annoying things LB doing to me all the time. I can't see why my bf wouldn't try to help his brother with making him a bit more independent and grown-up, he is the elder one, and the only one who LB listens to... he has the power to change his ways, to help him, but he seems to treat him like a little boy, always protecting him, and never say no to him. Till what point do I have to bear this?? Please help if you have any experiences like this, or ideas what I could do...

What is the deal with Newty Gingrich's so-called Charity paying money to Gingrich's so-called Business?

Is that how Newty manages to pay for all those Tiffany jewels, Turkish cruises and basketball-shaped hair-dos for that awful plasticene hag Callista?

Computer help please!!!!!?

Windows Media Player doesn't support the codec that it uses. Try using VLC media player. I've been using it for quite a while and it's great. Plays pretty much anything, so you should have any of these errors with it.

Sony Handycam DCR-HC38?

I have a Sony Handycam DRC-HC38. When I bought the camera, it did not come with any software(cd's) or the usb cords. I was wondering how to go about getting the recording off the tape onto a dvd. Can you help me with a step-by-step process? I did notice that it has a 5 port hub on it...if that helps. Thank you very much and if you need more information, I will try my best. From, clueless customer to you. :D

I constantly think about my ex which makes it SO hard to get over him?

Be patient with yourself. You are totally normal. There are always things about an ex that we fondly remember. Go out with your friends and socialize. Get involved in fun activities. If you will let go of your focus on your ex and start celebrating your life, you will see the reaction from your friends and potential special guys. Be sweet, upbeat and ready for all that life has to offer. You have a great future ahead of you.

How much do Six Flags tickets cost at Jewel?

So I plan on going to Six Flags and was told that it is more expensive at the gate. I was also told that tickets go for about $25 at Jewel. Is this true? I live in Chicago and plan on going to the one in Gurnee, Illinois.

BofA debit card not working?

Alright, this is the 3rd freakin' time I have to go in get a temp, and get my permanent one in the mail by blah blah 5 business days. I have the panda environmental custom debit card (the panda has nothing to do with this First time, the magnetic strip got scratched and was un readable. 2nd time, the card got "De-magnified" whatever that means, and would not read at all at the stores, or atm. 3RD TIME here we go, i waltz into line with a cart full of groceries, and sure enough, "card read error" boom. instant idiot late at night at walmart. So I took my unusable debit card to the atm, SURE ENOUGH IT WAS WORKING. 2nd day, I go to jewel, "Card read error", 2nd time also going to the atm, still working there too. i mean wth. it boggles my mind. any ideas?

How do i get a sony handycam DCR-DVD92 video to windows movie maker?

i tried importing from the disk and only the first 12 seconds of the vid show up. i dont have a usb chord for it, maybe i could rip it?

Does anyone know of a good movie editing software compatible with Windows XP SVP 3?

I recently purchased a Sony Handycam DCR-SX44 along with PMB software. So I'm wondering if there's any good movie editing software that's not only compatible with my computer (which is admittedly a little old, 2006) but with the device and software used with the camera.

Any way to be calm and happy?

ok so i've been so stressed out lately and sometimes i cant control getting really frustrated at people. does any one have suggestions on how to stay calm or be more happy?

Sony Handycam DCR-TRV20E Firewire connection?

First off, firewire to USB converters don't work - drivers etc won't fix it! If your computer has a 4 pin firewire port that's fine - a 4 pin to 4 pin cable's exactly what you need and should work perfectly.

How can I calm down from fear?

I'm freaking out over something that's happening, and need to calm down. It's mostly fear, and I'm afraid this is gonna keep me up. Can anyone tell me how to calm down?

What combinations for these cichlid fish?

all of the other except for the convict can be housed together.convicts are a bad choice because males and female are very aggressive especially during breeding season.the others are not as aggressive as the convicts

Flight tomorrow,Scared!!! please help!?

hello my young friend I understand you were flying tomorrow ? thats a long way fo flap your arms, will you take a plane? Im disabled and in a wheelchair and I took an airplane flight too !! it was lots of fun, the stewerdesses took good care of me and were all really nice. It is a lot like a car ride and you can sit and talk to your mom and watch a movie maybe or read some books if you like or even have a nap. I like naps. sometimes my stomach gets goofy, but there are barfbags in everyseat so please do not worry, it is safer than driving on the freeway believe it or not. so have lots of fun and enjoy your trip ok? good luck.!

Charge time for sony handycam dcr-sx44?

Hey guys I recently bought a sony handycam dcr-sx44 and I immediately put it on the charger however thhere was no charge time listed in the manual so how will I know when its done charging?

Hello Im Havin A Problem on

Try contacting MiniClip about this. Maybe they are working on the website and making new changes? I'm sure there can't be something to bad wrong. And try shutting your computer down for a little. Maybe theres a virus on it. But I don't know for sure. Below I will put there question page, Just make sure you log off your computer for a while (10-30 minutes). I hope everying works out! (On the page below you can also contact them)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Updating My Fish Tank, Any Ideas?

I ask this question before in a 2 part question but it was to long so I cut it in half since people don't want to read long question. So I have a 55 gallon tank right now with a Firemouth (2.5 - 3 inches) and a Rainbow Shark (3 - 3.5 inches). Anyway Im going to get a 75 gallon Tank for my Firemouth and my Rainbow Shark, and wanted to get 2 or 3 more fish depending on their size. Some fish I wanted to get were a Green Terror, Jack Dempsey, Convict Cichlid, Jeweled Cichlid or Blood Parrot. Obviously I know I cant have all this fish but I Wanted to know which fish I could have that would be ok with my Firemouth and Rainbow Shark, or at least with my Firemouth, I can just have my Rainbow shark in another tank. THANKS!

Where can I get rhinestones, beads, wichita kansas?

Id like to attempt to make my own rhinestone phone case with some other beads and jewels on it and I need to know where I can get these beads and stones at? Places besides walmart and hobby lobby is what im looking for, id really like a wide selection!:) Thankss!

Could I use a glue gun to apply diamante jewels to canvass plimpsole/pumps?

I would love to design some fun and funky shoes for my daughter. Would a glue gun burn through canvass pumps? Is there a special kind of craft glue I could use? I just want to experiment and hope that this would last when put to the test. Any help would be appreciated though as I am a novice. Many thanks for anyone who could share some tips!

Dcr-sr68 video camera computer connection question?

I connected my dcr-sr68 Sony video camera to my MacBook Pro to import video. The application that immediately responded on my computer was iPhoto, so I imported a video into that. the picture was fine but there was no sound. How can I transfer sound from my video camera onto my computer?

Nervous for my driving test?

im taking my driving test tomorrow on a closed course and i'm really nervous. I'm not a huge fan of driving in general and am always doubting myself. I've been practicing a bunch at the course the last few days and have done pretty well so i think i can pass unless my nerves get the best of me which is definitely possible. How can i calm myself down so my nerves don't affect my driving?

Will my Sony handycam work as a webcam and how ? ?

I have a Sony handycam DCR-DVD201E and want to know will it work as a webcam for windows and what programs I may need :) thanks :)

How do I transfer video from my Sony camcorder to the computer?

Plug the camera in to the computer via usb and then go to the start menu and click on the computer tab to open a window that show's the storage devices connected to the computer. Right click on the video camera and click open. This should display the video files. (they may be in a sub folder) From there, try to copy and paste them on to your hard drive. If you just keep left clicking on the files it probably try's to play them because that is the default selection.

Is my husband overreacting? �Is it a bad thing that I want my daughter to be in a Beauty Pageant?

Sorry, I side with your husband and those shows on TV about child models just make me puke. Let your daughter be a child, she can always model when she's a teen.

Embarrassed about how I acted and loosing confidence as a rider. Help?

get it out of your head. The more you think on this the more mistakes ur gonna make. Clear your head. Mentally start fresh. In my lifetime of riding i cannot tell you how many times ive fallen off. Big damaging falls(my right shoulder is smaller than the left because of the scar tissue ive accumalated there) and small falls that you laugh about. Ive cried on a horse, ive fallen and due to the horse running over me had to walk back with no pants (now its funny -then it wasnt) and you know what ? I wouldnt change it. Ive fallen so much im not scared anymore. You go through these weird patches when it everything feels like its off...then you come right again. All of these experiences are gold to your experience. A top competing rider who has never fallen off or cried or gotten mud on their shoes still has less experience as you. Experience is not the level you compete at or how perfectly you can ride its the amount of **** youve put up with and survived.

Ford's headlights won't turn on, but hazard lights will. Help?

Ok, so my 1990 Ford F-250 is a Jewel. And I say that sarcastically. But tonight I had to drive home without my lights on. When I stopped the truck at a friend's house, the lights were working just fine. When I started it again, and tried to turn on the lights, the two-stage headlight knob would click through both of its stages (hazard light and headlight,) but only the hazard lights would come on. I didn't blow a fuse, and all other lights on the vehicle work just fine. I tried turning on my high beams, and the floor-button seems to not click anymore like it did before. Could that be the issue? Help please! Need to work tomorrow night!

Do you believe in the phrase "Once a cheater, always a cheater"?

My girlfriend cheated on me with a guy that she used to have sex with a lot. The last time she had sex with him was in 2010 but he's been staying at their house for a little while...and somehow it happened. The guy told me that she started to cry in the middle of it, and they quit after about ten minutes. I can tell she's genuinely sorry; she cried in my arms all day, and I was so shocked and all I could do was just tell her that I still love her the same and that everything was okay. She kept saying that it wasn't okay and asked me why I wasn't pissed off. I just held her and tried to calm her. She really is sorry and she swears on Bob Marley (her hero) that she'll never do it again. I believe her, but at the same time I think I could be being naive. So, do you guys think there's a chance that she won't do it again? Or do you think that once you're a cheater, you're always a cheater. Btw were both girls, and we've been together since January. I really love her and I think everyone deserves a second chance. But yeahh, I want a second opinion.

GIRLS: Longtime Crush has a boyfriend thinking suicide?

Well thats gotta hurt, but don't give up. You never know, maybe in a little bit they will be done:) Try to keep and open mind too, look at other girls and see maybe you will like them! Life will seem hard now, but it will get better!

Do you like KISS despite Gene Simmons Family Jewels being a fake show?

I do, despite the fact that the 'family' takes multiple shots to get the correct camera angle and that the dance between Gene and Shannon while Nick sang was like something from a Soap Opera. And that the show seems to have descended into a WWF like muck, yeah, I like them still. Sigh.

How do i extend the recording time on a hi8 video cassett while shooting with a sony dcr-trv315 ntsc?

The DCR-TRV315 will play a Hi8 tape, but it's a Digital8 camcorder so it will only record to a Digital8 tape (so far as I know). It has a LP mode which will increase the recording time on the tape.

Question about Sony Handycam (10 points for a fast answer)?

I have a Sony Handycam model DCR-SR42. It's really important for me to learn how to hide the display while a video is playing. Help?

My girlfriend is acting more rebellious than usual?

Usually she's pretty calm and isn't really into partying, but since we finished high school she's been going to nightclubs and really crazy parties. I don't really mind, but I'm a little worried because she's usually more soft-spoken. I asked her if she was okay but she just said it was because she was "from a sheltered family and just wanted to live for once in her life," which does make sense because her family was very over-protective. I'm just really worried about her, and it seems like she's taking this too far. She's been forgetting nights and has gotten thinner.

Why does my mum always do the things i tell her not to do (always have a reason)?

It is her responsibility to parent, not yours. Perhaps trying a different approach and 1) Nicely explain why the door needs to stay open and ask if she has any suggestions to get the cat. 2) When you are angry ask her if you can have a few minutes alone to calm down. As hard as it is, you must do this calmly and respectfully. After you have calmed down, talk about the problem with her. She will respect that your are maturing if you act like a young man instead of a yelling, screaming toddler. If the anger persists, ask your Mom to get you professional help before you hurt your Mom, yourself or the cat, etc. Good Luck, being a teen is tough!

Does methamphetamine act as a partial/full beta-blocker?

We know that small doses of d-methamphetamine calm certain people down, is this due to its effect as a beta-blocker or something else?

I know someone who knows someone who knows someone?

that has a clone. Their clone has become very jealous that they are not the original. This person wants to know how to get the clone to calm down with this situation and just be happy that they are a clone of a great person?

My Laptop downloading videos?

I have a Sony handy-cam DCR HC46. I connected my camera to my laptop ( which is a dell). It says that the manufacturer. model number, and description are unavailable. i would like to put my videos on my laptop. any ideas? my laptop does recognize the pictures from a memory card in the video recorder but unfortunately does not recognize the videos on a cassette tape. thanks!

My Sony Handycam DCR-DVD308 is having problems?

Basically, I tried formatting the disc in my handycam, and finalizing it, to play on a DVD player. Didn't work, and now the videos are not showing up on the camera from the disc, but is there any way I can get them back to see on the camera?

What is camcorder firewall upload?

I am thinking of getting a Sony DCR-HC96 camcorder but I don't understand firewall, what is it exactly you need to upload the videos to a computer? Please show me a link to what I need to get in order to upload videos. Does it need its usb cord? Give me a link to all I need to buy for the cheapest price please. Thanks

Starting horse riding lessons again, and I have some worries?

when horses sense that your are scared/nervous they pick up on it and it unsettles them which probably results in the falls !!! .. stay calm ... you will be fine

What can I put in my hair so it wont go so frizzy?

I naturally have wavy hair so whenever I get out the shower it gets REALLY frizzy and crazy! I usually straighten it to calm it down. I just found out that Im going to have to take swimming classes for my high school and I dont want to come out of the pool with my hair super crazy! Is there something I can put so It wont frizz.

Sony DCR-HC24 firewire won't upload to pc?

I am using windows xp, sony Mini DV DCR-HC24, and Pinnacle studio 11,and the window that comes up says Video device not found -pinnacle studio plus is unable to connect to your video device. people have said to download a driver from sony but cannot find a driver my Video camera is not showing up on my pc in Control Panel/System/Hardware/Device manager/imaging device.........apparently Firewire doesn't need a driver?the Lead is showing in the Device Manager! can anyone help me as I cannot get it to work and no one else seems to know!.thank you in anticipation .

Jewel cichlids with these types of fish?

well i am breeding german blue rams and i have a breeding pair. i have a 55gal 210 litres and there is a tank divider in the middle of the tank because i have some other rams and a peppermint bristle nose and i don't want them to eat the ram fry and eggs. so the pbn is only about two inches this is a pic of him. file:///C:/Users/isam/Pictures/DSC_0064.… And i really want to know if he will be fine and the other rams if i put 2 or one jewel cichlid in the tank

GIRLS: Longtime Crush has a boyfriend thinking suicide?

You need professional help because that reaction to a crush having a boyfriend is completely...not normal. You may need medication or call your local crisis hotline. This issue is deeper than a crush

Why can't I get over the paranoia that I might be pregnant?

No worries, you aren't pregnant. You used protection which is good and although there is no way I can tell you for sure, I am 99.9 percent confident you aren't pregnant.

Why does my mum always do the things i tell her not to do (always have a reason)?

she is the adultl and can do what she wants lol there is nothing that is oing to change this...its just how parents are :/

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Is this a good Team to defeat Ghetsis on pokemon Black?

meinfoo evolves at lv 50 and you can choose wich ones you would like to use to beat ghetsis i have the list of pokemon he uses in the final battle click on the link. and i dont know another site instead of pokeCharms srry

Sony Camcorder - dividing image problem?

I have a Sony camcorder model DCR-106 which takes mini dvds. I bought a new pack of TDK DVD+RW discs, but now I am unable to divide videos using these. Any idea why not ? before I was able to using the -RW (instead of the +RW) type.

Who is familiar with iMovie '11?

Don't worry, try this link: a href=""…/a

Ive always had a moral reservation against expensive jewelry, and general distrust towards those who buy it or?

...sell it. I have tried to get past it but I can't help mysels. I can't see any point on it other than pride or vanity. Its not like real art, scupture, music, poem, painting, or archectecture, it dosent convay drama or feeling like these do, and it seems to exist so the person wearing it can enjoy the flattery of others who wear it and are impressed. Is this a malfunction? Am I missing the point of expensive jewelry? It seems to be an insignifiicant way to use significant money. I just can't trust people who do that. I guess I think theyre selfish snobs deep down. Is it only me? Its like gangs who wear some identifyng garb, and in this case is a snob gand and jewels are what identify them to each other. Its mainly the ones preoccupied with costly jewelry who I don't trust...I guess I see them as little Queen of Hearts, like on Alice in Wonderland movie. Am I odd for this whole view?

Does anyone that lives in Mississippi know where there is a truck stop that has ice cream ?

it also might have had fried chicken and or pizza we stopped there on our way to Florida and i got these really pretty black sunglasses with flower jewels on the side and three gems above two below they r in my profile pic but anyway i lost them at universal studios and i really want another pair but i don't remember where i got them i would really appreciate it if you told me the name of the truck stop you think it might have been and the city it was located in. Thanks :)


WOW! You said a mouth full! I apologize for everything you are going thru! I wondered, is there any family around that could possibly be utilized to assist, if not, by your father being military, i don't see why social services or a military agency, couldn't assist your family, at least with a in home care assistant to help your mom out and because you are too young to have to carry so much on your shoulders! But, believe me, there are programs out there that can help, your mom just has to take the lead to get those resources! Also, your father needs to get alittle more involved, i know he is in the Air force, but he is a father and Husband! Good luck to you and don't give up hope!!

How do I control my anger in certain situations?

I am 16 years old. I only get angry and aggressive at the people that I know the most, usually being my parents who frustrate me on occasion; which I am not proud of at all. Most of the time I am ok with my parents and we have a good relationship but on times I just lose it. Earlier this evening I was playing on FIFA 11 and I lost a game that I thought that I deserved to win, this lead me to get angrier and angrier. This has always been a problem to me and has lead to me being in tears when I was younger however still wanting to play the game. I threw my controller and started shouting uncontrollably very loudly and obviously swear word were used. I didn't used to swear when I got angry at the computer games however over the past 2/3 years I have not been able to contain them and my parents have given up trying to control me or calm me down. I have had complaints from neighbours in the past and have had some embarrassing times stood at the door trying to explain to a complete stranger why I was so loud. In every day life I am usually more confident around my friends but when it comes to people I don't know I am really quite and get really nervous. I was wondering what the best option would be on trying to stop this because it's an ongoing thing and is hard to stop. I have considered some sort of anger management but have never really thought more of it. Please help me with this issue and give me your best advice (:

Prom hairstyle's for long brown hair with side bangs?

At prom and those sort of occasions its good to give your hair volume, and style it full and curly. Use a root boosting straightener then a curler, then lift it using hairspray and volumising moose/spray. Since your hair is a bit long, you can either leave straight and the bottom and volumed at the top, or tie it up slightly and curl it. You could also put the hair in front rather than behind, only on one side (if that makes sense, lol). just check hairstyles online :)

My friend is always mean? Please read. 10 Points?

i have this friend who is dead mean to me. shes meant to be my best friend but she never calls me her bestfriend. she rights down her closest friends and she either puts me at the bottom or not in the list at all. She never knocks on for me and asks me to come out. she doesnt speak to me on facebook. for her birthday i got her a big badge, and �10 worth of presents and wrote a funny little message on her wall. for my birthday she got me nothing and didnt even write a message on my wall. i give her food like when she forgets her lunch, i give her half a sandwich and give her my crisp and she doesnt give me anything back. i was also messing about today saying wohhooo no school tomorrow and she went calm down, its only one day. i was only messing about. and when something makes me laugh and i laugh for ages she tells me to calm down. she can be also dead moody to me and treat me like ****. its really annoying. and i cant speak to anyone else because shes like my closest friend. what should i do?

Why can't I not do this?

As long as you live with your parents they make the rules. I don't agree with your parents. You can try talking to them but remember they make the final say.

I want to be outgoing so badly that I'm willing to go to extremes... what do you think about this?

First off don't go wild and crazy because that is not as cool as it appears to be. I have been shy most of my life and I'm coming out of my shell. You have you to take small steps. Start small talk with a stranger and keep doing this. I know exactly how you feel I want to go out and meet new people but I don't know where to go and I'm not that confident to walk up to a stranger and talk to them but I know I can do it and so can you! :) Eventually you'll get comfortable and also watch and learn from outgoing people there is nothing with having fun but don't go over board because you might regret a poor decision you made.

I need serious dating advice and outsider opinions?

he may not be physically cheating but emotional cheating ??? ---- he does not sound a very caring boyfriend anyway --- to not contact you is not good ---- yes try to clear the air ---- talk to him and see what he says ---- if you are not happy then maybe it time to call it a day ---- best wishes

Is this normal on a navel piercing?

so i just got mine done 2 days ago. its not red at all and isnt even pussy, bloody ect. looks like i had it forever. but when i look on the mirror or sit down i can see the bar above the jewel and im not sure if its normal or not. should i be seeing this or not? why am i seeing it? is it normal or does it make it look ugly? thanx

Help with phone cases?

Hi does anyone know where to buy the jewels to make phone cases and wat i will need and what type of phone case will i need i really want to make me one for meh phone but idk where to buy the supplies for them please help <3 ER

How to use Sony DCR SR200 as webcam?

I've got a sony camcorder DCR SR200 HDD and was hoping i could use it as webcam. Anyone know if this is posible and how? Please help

Problems transferring videos from my Sony Handycam?

I recorded two videos on my Sony Handycam DCR-SR47, and when I go into the MP_ROOT folder on my mac and transfer the mpg file to my computer, the video plays, but there's no sound coming out of it. When I go to my camcorder and play the video there, there's sound and everything. Can someone who's had similar problems help me out?

How do you upload videos onto a computer from a Sony DCR-HC85?

I have a Sony HandyCam Super SteadyShot DCR-HC85 video camera (tape recorder) and I need to download the videos onto my PC. How do I go about this? I have the USB cable.

When i am home alone my german shephard wont calm down.(please read the whole post before you answer)?

Sounds like your bf is the alpha dog in your pack. You are providing love but not enough leadership/discipline. You will need to practice a little tougher love and insist that he behave as well for you as he does for your boyfriend.

Why did Jesus have to suffer?

We need to be careful when we are asking questions like this. Isaiah 55:6 His ways are not our ways. Christ had to die to pay a price he did not owe to satisfy a debt we humans could never pay. God made Him (Christ), who knew no sin, to be sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in Him” 2 Corinthians 5:21

Does Getting A Tattoo Hurt?

Ok so im turning 16 in a few days and for my birthday my uncle is taking me to get my first tattoo. now i have a slight phobia of needels and im not sure how to keep myself calmed down while getting it any sugesttions on how to keep cool? and im getting it on the back of my shoulder will that make it hurt more?

I need help with a rash.?

i have a rash on my inner thigh/groin right at the top of my legs (sort of either side of the jewels). i'm a virgin so it can't be an STI, i thought it would just go away but it's been sticking around for a few weeks now. i live in a hostel and someone here had scabies about a month or two ago. i don't really associate with him and it doesn't really sound like it is that. but i'm a little worried and don't know what it is. could anyone help me with this please?

What other artists would I be good at singing?

I am planning on auditioning for some things and only feel like I have two really good songs that I can sing- Ironic by Alanis Morissette and Heartbreaker by Pat Benatar. I also enjoy singing Jewel's older songs as well. Do you have any recommendations for me regarding other songs that would fit my style??

How many MP does my video camera have?

Probably 1.3 MP But it does not matter, it is a video camera, video cameras are not judged by the MP factor, rather the video quality. Most consumer camcorders are 1.3 MP, so don't freak out.

My girl has a triangle piercing. But she says she has a sore spot next to the small ring. Is ther better jewel?

My girl has a triangle piercing. I highly recomend that for her pleasure alone. But she says she has a sore spot next to the small ring. Is ther better jewelry for that pirecing, that won't make sore?

What should I wear to a early November wedding?

I am just a greeter. Jewel tones and deep fall colors are the possibilities. It will be cold with a possibility of snow. Please help!

I would be very happy if someone can help me with ths issue.?

I have a sony handy cam DCR-TRV 33. It works with tape. I'm trying to transfer the video from the handy cam to a DVD but I'm having a little proplem. I installed all the software needed. I follow all the instruction to create the video. The computer tells me that." YOUR VIDEO IS SUCCESSFULLY CREATED. But when I tried to play it back on the computer or dvd player it tells me that the video cannot be detected. Please help me. What wrong I'm I doing?

Why is My Puppy Suddenly Aggressive?

Sometimes when a normally nice pet pet all of sudden acts aggressive, it may mean they are in pain. Take him to the vet for an exam is my suggestion.

Which media player is compatible with a Sony HandyCam DCR-DVD105?

I am putting the mini disc directly into the computer; Windows Media Player plays audio only, VLC plays then it freezes. The box contained a USB and the old audio video cables (for the TV) along with NERO software, but the book says it's not compatible with a USB oh, and the NERO software isn't compatible with this model either? Sony is usually much better than this, but not this time. I would like to edit the video as well as play it on the computer. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Getting Videos From A Sony Camcorder to a Mac?

I need help getting videos from my DCR-TRV140 sony comcorder to my mac but idk how. i really need 2 do this so please help me! Its for my school project due friday.

Am I a tomboy or girly girl? should I pick between the two?

In the school year I am more feminine. I were skinny jeans with jewels and ballet flats and plush boots and sparkly necklaces and a bunch of makeup! I love shopping at the mall and hunting/rating guys. I scream at spiders and giggle at everything..but that's just the school year! when summer comes around I feel like a tomboy! I were basketball shorts only do a little makeup I ride my BMX bike through hills and trails and mud, we roll down hills in big plastic tubes at a construction sight into the muddy water and Ive swam in a storm drain resovour for crying out loud! We go camping and I go barefoot and my feet are so dirty there black! I climb trees, shoot cans, and hang with the guys! Am I a tomboy? or a girly girl? or both? should I only be one ore is ok to be both?

How do I get Windows Media Player or Real Player to let me play these file types?

first try using a converter that you can download online to make them into .mp4 format then try to play them

Need help with Sony Handycam DCR-HC26, connected to Mac with USB cord? Please help me!?

Minidv requires a firewire connection. Maybe it was the photos you downloaded via usb cord? Did you put your camcorder in playback mode? Can you find your camera under 'computer'?

Sony Picture Motion Browser Software?

This may help >>a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Need help rearranging my schedule?

I may have just been hired at Jewel Osco and I don't want to make it seem like I don't care about work because I do, but I have plans this Saturday I've had for a week now. My parents are still trying to argue with me that I need to work and I would of course be grateful that I got a job but these plans are important to me (this job is actually part time). The hiring manager mentioned orientation but she didn't actually tell me that I'm hired, just that I have to call her in the middle of the week. What can I do to make both plans work? 10 points best answer. Thanks.

Anxiety and panicking help?

Yes, I have a very good idea. Go to and download the free manual. It will show you how to use Emotional Freedom Techniques. I promise you that this will solve your problem. Another good thing you can do is to take Rescue Remedies. (From The Bach Flower range) Good luck with your exam!

Hi, I Had sony DCR SR36 hand cam. I recorded but not able to down load vedios.How 2 download vedios to laptop?

hey i got a question for u y don't u get a picture ***** are u that ugly if not put a picture if u are put some ****

How come a guy calms down and is no longer angry when you become sweet to him?

When a guy is really pissed and then you say sweet things to him, how come he suddenly becomes calm and is no longer angry?

How do i upload videos from my camcorder to youtube??? please answer?

hmm 1st of all i don't have the same cam but if you can connect the cam to your computer then browse the video file itself then yes it can be uploaded to youtube 1st copy the video file to your computer then go to youtube click upload then browse the video file on your computer that you'd copied from the camcorder

Why do I keep hurting myself?

Sometimes, usually at night, I get extreme impulses to hit myself, punch myself, pinch myself (etc). Basically, anything that will cause pain to me. It's basically like...I'm lying in bed and all of a sudden I feel as though I .need. to do this. Then, I have to tell myself to stop and to calm down, but eventually, the craving comes back. What's happening to me?

Does this look like a clutch bag from the 1950's?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

I need a nature boy name?

I'm looking for a boy name to match my two girls names. Their names are Jewel and Lilly so I need another nature name for my boy. I've thought of Jasper and Rock but I'm not in love with either of them. Any ideas?

Handycam video camera fault sony model number DCR pc1000E?

Try putting your camera in a bag of dry rice for 24 hrs. Make sure it's off and all camera doors are closed.

Caffeine makes people with ADHD and ADD more calm?

I have ADHD and so do a few of my friends. It seems to have a reverse effect on us than it does on other people, instead of getting jittery we get more collected. Can anyone else relate to that and/or tell my why that is?

How much would these Yugioh cards sell for?

In a lot sale (which I would recommend) I would say $70 but there are two diffent types of value, book value and playability value. People want the newest and most popular cards that are staples in the most popular decks, this is playability value. In book value some people are looking to to collect these cards just for the sake of collecting. Now most people would rather hang on to the card everyone wants then to trade it for something that will be hard to trade away again. It's a bad investment in most cases. Also collectors look for bargains rather then paying for the full price of the card. I would just sell them as a lot for $40-50. It's much more easy to find some one to want to find a quick gain then to try to find individual buyers, you would also need to find each cards individual price.

Will this work together as one?

Based on the specs page yes. The IEEE1394 cable should be fine. What you hook it up to may be a problem. It does say on there product page that "All products with an IEEE1394 connector may not communicate with each other."

How do I capture video on my comp from a SONY DCR-TRV330 using Roxio with a USB cable if I do...?

Got this camcorder (my first camcorder ever) about three weeks ago. Overall great and I've been nothing but impressed. If you are looking to shoot some video of the kids and play it back to family and friends on the home TV then get a less expensive camcorder. I think that if you are going to digital it's because you plan to download and manipulate the video on your home computer to get a semi-profession video. This camera lets you download the 30-minutes (of usually boring) video of the kids playing Little League onto your home computer and turn it into a really cool 5-minute baseball video with a soundtrack, still shoots (saved on the built in still camera) and titles that you can record back onto the camcorder. Lightweight and compact, it's easy to carry and the large (3.5 inch) LCD screen is a lot easier to view then the typical tiny 2.5 inch screen. The built in USB port and cable (included) is for the saved JPG still shots on the memory stick. To download the video to your computer you need a firewire card and a firewire cable (not included) plus the video software for your computer. The Sony included software is for the JPG still shots only. The camera also does not come with any MinDV tapes so order some when you order the camera. If you plan on shooting a lot of video without a battery recharge you might want to think of getting another battery. The LCD screen sucks up battery power like crazy so plan on 30 minutes of shooting before you are looking for a recharge. All in all a great camera that is easy to use and has enough options and bells-and-whistles to keep anyone occupied.

How to get digital video camera to not record so grainy? The camera can record in 1080i?

I have a Sony HVR-A1U I bought for shooting interview style clips. I have attempted to play with the settings and am utterly clueless on how to get the picture quality to be comparable to my Sony DCR-200. I was wondering if I had to buy an additional lighting accessory because it is extremely hard to get any clip without grain and the only way I find to take the grainy view off is to lower the exposure.

I get flushed/red and embarrased really easily!? HELP!!?

its seems like you just to get out a little more, it seems to be happening cause youre not used to interaction outside your comfort zone(ppl you normally associate with), used to happen to me and then i got a life, not to come off like a dick or anything but sounds like what happened to me and then i got out a lot more,(i had an abusive mother that kept me trapped tho)

Friday, July 15, 2011

How to play/ crack protected .dcr files?

I've been trying to play some games with Director 11 but its keeps saying something along the lines of, "cannot play protected .dcr file". Is their anyway to bypass or crack this if so it would be greatly appreciated. Please no answers like "no/ you can't (without explanation)/ Your not allowed", thanks.

Will my Sony Digital 8 DCR-TRV250 NTSC play my old 8mm tapes?

My Minolta 8 CR-8000S AF bit the dust and I purchased a used Sony Handycam Digital 8. Will it play my old P6-120 8mm tapes I used on my Minolta?

Snooki shades pleaseeee help!!?

i want to make snooki shades and i know how to but i cant seem to find just clear sunglasses just picture snooki shades and image them without the gems and jewels. thats what i want. not normal sunglasses i want the frame to be clear and the lends to be clear as well. thanks <3

Is my nose piercing infected?

I got my nose pierced a little over a week ago.. I clean it regualrily with sea salt and water.. the last few times cleaning the inside though, has made it pop almost all the way out, i have an L shaped stud by the way so it shouldn't just pop out like that.. but when i pushed it back in it was oozing yellowish clear gooeyness that hardens around the inside stem of the stud, and around the jewel of the stud.. is that an infection? it doesn't hurt much when i fix it back to place, or when i clean it.. it stings a teeny bit when i clean it but thats it.

Women think about sex more than men?

I think about sex a lot and i watch a lot of porn and i fast forward just like you do...Lol...So you are not alone. I am here with you....Lol

How do i cut the jewels on sims 3?

when u click on it, it says "cut jem" and i did. and it makes her spazz out and she has the little bubble where she think that theres no room... how do i send the things to be cut?? please help.

Does a Standard definition Camcorder produce better quality video than a old analog camcorder?

I am looking into two models : the Sony DCR-SX44 and the Sony HDR-CX110. I am on a budget and that Smooth slow mode on the HD Cam is going to be useful since I study the mechanics of motion. Maybe their is another way to study the motion frame by frame...Hummm?!

Is my belly button piercing rejecting?

I've had my belly button piercing for about 5 days now and I've noticed the jewel has moved a little bit inwards, further into my belly button. Is this normal? Or is this a sign of it rejecting itself?

Please help me with this wedding drama?

I read a lot of the answers and one of them really pissed me off. It does not matter if you can afford to pay the $175 for your meal or not. The people that are getting married should pay for everything. If the want a three course meal then they should pay for it. Asking for donations to pay the church is down right tacky. This whole thing sounds like a mess. My husband would not even have to tell me to back out cause once I got that email I would have replied thanks but no thanks, wish you the best. The called C and told her I am sorry but I can not do this.

Which is better camcorder to dcr-sx20 or canon FS 305?

hi..i can afford only 13000 rs..i want a good movie shot able cam..that to mainly in low light..please give me an answer..that too with descent pic taking camcorder..else if you have any other model also you can say me,even the digi cam...suggest me....its use is for short film making..

What are some good PRO digital cameras for under $400?

I'm trying to trade for a sony dcr-sx40 HD camcorder with 4GB internal Memory and a 2GB memory stick, a leather Perry Ellis carrying bag and a charger and a ps3 with a bad disc drive.. it’s 80GB u can take it out easily and use it as a hard drive on a laptop

Video Camera Software?

I have a 2006 Sony Handycam DCR-HC36/HC46/HC96 and1i bought a new laptop in the beginning of 2011. Its operating system is Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit. The CD that contains Picture Package (the software that came with the package) only supports Windows XP. Does anyone know if there's a way for me to download the software for my new laptop so I can import my videos from it to my PC?

How can I keep the magic in my life when I'm not traveling?

When I traveled for an entire year at 18 I had the best time, meeting the interesting and the strange folk, ceasing opourtunities as an artist and a person, always finding ways to keep the ball rolling. But now that I have returned home I seem to have become calmer than ever and to be loosing the magic, because things around me are not as inspiring and comfort is tempting. I want to find the magic again! What could I do?

Problems with DCR-HC21 Handycam?

I have a Sony DCR-HC21 Handycam with files I would like to upload to my computer but I don't have the driver for it. Also, when i connect it to my pc with the included USB cable, nothing happens. Is there any way I could get the software required or is there some other way to upload the videos to my computer?

Additional update for handy cam?

Thank you Denis cam is dcr-hc19E it plays mini dv tapes . iv done this before yrs ago though it worked but cant rember if it was through sony picture package which imports my dv tapes but somthing tells me it wasnt it was movie maker . the 2 devices - pc cam & handy cam show but only the pc cam is live & the two are pictured togeather so i cant click the handy cam it just stays at my logitech pc cam sory im so confussed by it all as i worked it out before &made few films from my dv tapes vie pc upload some how . does my update help any more denis

Ive always had a moral reservation against expensive jewelry, and general distrust towards those who buy it or?

...sell it. I have tried to get past it but I can't help mysels. I can't see any point on it other than pride or vanity. Its not like real art, scupture, music, poem, painting, or archectecture, it dosent convay drama or feeling like these do, and it seems to exist so the person wearing it can enjoy the flattery of others who wear it and are impressed. Is this a malfunction? Am I missing the point of expensive jewelry? It seems to be an insignifiicant way to use significant money. I just can't trust people who do that. I guess I think theyre selfish snobs deep down. Is it only me? Its like gangs who wear some identifyng garb, and in this case is a snob gand and jewels are what identify them to each other. Its mainly the ones preoccupied with costly jewelry who I don't trust...I guess I see them as little Queen of Hearts, like on Alice in Wonderland movie. Am I odd for this whole view?

What will the videos uplOaded by a camcorder look like?

Ok I am thinking of getting a Sony DCR-HC96 and using firewall and stuff, does the video download to the computer all as one video or does it download into segments of when you stoped and resumed a movie? I am interested as with this camera I would like to make movies out of the videos I take. Thanks!

How do I calm down when I'm angry and sad?

My friend totally deleted me from his life. And this group that I loved to visit. I don't know why but it hurts so bad. I'm angry and sad and I don't know how to calm down. Please help. How do I calm down? Or what should I do?

What quote is this from?

I don't remember the entire thing, but I think it talked about confronting dragons, that if you expect hostility, the dragon will be hostile, but if you expect a calm dragon, it will be calm.

Can I get an explanation on socialism from the Bachmann crowd?

She stated that Obama-care was the " crown jewel " of socialism . YET her family receives government payments from farm subsidies . many of her constituents receive millions more for ethanol subsidies ... Maybe it's socialism when the benefits are for all and capitalism when the government CHOOSES which industry to get the money ? Are pigs and corn exempt ?

Sony Handy cam as Webcam?

I use my Sony camcorder as a webcam, but I had to get a video capture cable to do it. They are inexpensive on Amazon.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

What all is required of a camcorder to tape a video?

I am seriously interested in a Sony DCR-HC96, but since its so expensive, I would like to know, what does it require to have me tape a video? How much are the costs of each? Is anything reuseable or are they like batteries and arnt? Thanks!

Are any 13-16 year olds going on Norwegian Jewel July 9th?

I thought the same thing when i went last year. I am 14 and wanted to know also.. You will meet MANY of people if you go to the teen clubs. The roll call thing they do mostly has adults on it, so dont even bother with it. You will have alot of friends by the end of the cruise if you participate in the activities they do! Its so fun! Have a wonderful time. :)

My mom keeps snapping at me for no reason.. *Long* I need some advice?

Story of my ****** life... you handled that situation 10 times better than i would have. My mom is the same freakin way and it gets on my nerves... I honestly dont know why are parents are this way, im only 13 me and my mom were never cool with eachother, im not sure how i can help you but to talk to other famly member, one thats close to your mom. maybe have that family member talk to your mom and have them tell her how you feel, things might get better if she understands how you feel. Catch her when shes not mad, or even have your sister bring it up to her... Gosh, you and me where like the same. My sister also doesnt get treated that way but does notice. All i say is... MAN I CANT WAIT To MOVE AWAY FROM YOU. i just pray and count down the years till college. lol

What to do about a new job?

I just had an interview at Jewel and though the hiring manager didn't hire me on the spot she told me to call her in the middle of the week and meet with another person she still has to interview. She also talked to me a little about orientation but didn't actually tell me I'm hired. Though work is just as important to me, I also have plans this Saturday and if I get hired do I skip my plans or try to work around my schedule? What can I do?

How can my dog calm me?

Today I felt a Little down because I hated where I was living and people hate me here. My 4 year old **** Tzu, Charlie, came and sat at my feet, whinning, until I picked him up. I felt calm and didn't care where I was anymore, that Charlie calmed me with nothing but me lifting him up and holding him. I love Charlie like he is my son, but he use to not beable to do this until I left for 8 mounths then came back. I this normal for Charlie to calm me and will it happen forever, or just till the happy-giddyness of me being back wears off? Help!

What happens when you have a panic attack?

I have anxiety but I am not sure if I have had an acually panic attack before. The first time I thought that I might have had one was when I was sitting in class and I was getting really annoyed by the people sitting next to me while I was trying to do my work and I started getting shaky, it was hard for me to breathe and I was trying not to cry but I was able to calm down. It was really weird because I had never freaked out so much over something so little. Another time was when I was meeting with my advisor and she kept getting in my face over a project that needed to be done and I got all shaky again had trouble breathing and had to leave because I couldnt stop crying and hyperventilating. A few months ago I was just in my house and my mom was on the treadmill. The noise of her on the treadmill doesnt usually ever bother me but I was so bothered by it I had to lock myself in the bathroom and curl up in a ball and I started crying and hyperventalating. So pretty much what happens to me when I freak out is I feel really floaty or shaky at first then I have trouble breathing and start crying/hyperventilating. I know panic attacks are supposed to be really scary for people but I have never felt like I was dying just like I was going crazy. What really happens when you have a panic attack?

Why wont my Sony DCR-SX63 connect to my computer?

it is hocked up with the usb that came with it and all it says is "preparing" i hocked it up before it just stop working please help

Does rejection from women turn a guy gay?

lol...he was emailing homosexual guys looking for hookups?? Jeez...what gives you the idea he may be gay?? lol

What do dreams about cemeteries and dead people mean?

Ok, so last night I has a dream that I was in school coming from my chemistry class on my way to the last class of the day but I couldnt remember where to go. I walked in circles around the school trying to find the class but I just couldn't remember. So I text my sister to tell me because in real life we do have the same class but she never answered. I gave up finding my class and went into the library. The library in my dream was in the school, but to get back from the library to your class, you had to drive there. WEIRD ! Anyway, (getting to the point) we weren't in a car,but there were 5 of us going back to the school and I looked over and saw a cemetery. The cemetery was covered with ancient egyptian stuff like gold and jewels. Then I saw this guy in a coffin who was dead but he was an egyptian prince I guess because the cemetery was only for royal egyptians. I could see his face so well and I was at a distance, it was like I zoomed into the cemetery. Then I look over and see the police, they were there because someone robbed the cemetery. My phone starts vibrating and it's my sister, she tells me that we had double period chemistry, which means I was supposed to stay in the class I came from. -___- Then I kind of woke myself up because it was creepy !

T-t-tampon? Help inserting a tampon.?

5th try at inserting a tampon. I know where the vagina is. My hymen is not covering the whole hole. I've had my period for over 3 years now. I'm a virgin. I know how to do it. I'm pointing it at my lower back. I'm using a slim easy glide brand at the smallest size. I'm calm while I'm doing it. Yet I still can't get a tampon it! Ugh! Please help.

Are there any succesful Aquarius (male) and Cancer (female) relationships?

Well ive been dating this Aquarius guy for 9 months now and I am a cancer girl and the months with him well theyre the best ive ever had with any guy but its odd hes not like an aquarius, he doesent mind that im clingy he likes it and he knows how to tolerate my modyness and he tries the best he can to fufill my attention needs and im still trying to learn with his emotional detatchment I hype him up and he calms me down when im too hyper lol so we balance each other out and hes always so prtective of me and loves to tell me how beutiful I am and such. He also loves it when I give him affection he says it makes him feel special so I hope we can stay together as soulmates so any succesful couples out there? Also I would like to know how to deal with my sensitivity.

How can I take my mind off of him for a little while?

Friday night I went to a lock in with my best friend and our boyfriends (they are brothers) apparently there mom didn't know that we were and they got in some trouble. Its all stupid in my opinion. Anyways they are both grounded and im not handling it too well. My boyfriend is my rock and I tell him everything. Lately I have been going through a scary time and talking too him is what really keeps me calm. Is there anything I can do to take my mind off of him until I can finally talk too him and see him again? They shouldn't be punished for too long.

What do you think of my cousins wedding dress?

no offense to you but i dont like dresses like that,they are just to flashy to me. i preferred the traditional look with the veil and what not. with a dress like the one you show its like they just want to be seen

Using IPOD Touch as Harddrive for storing video files from DCR-SX44 Flash Drive Camcorder?

i thought that ipod was an apple device, if that is the case then no its not possible, sony and apple don't mix.

What do I do about him?

My boyfriend is my best friends brother, we have been dating for a couple days now, and my best friend has been ignoring me, she says that she feels like a third wheel around us, I don't disagree with her, her brother is too into me! he doesn't let go of my hand, hes always hugging me and kissing me, and he never gives me any privacy! I broke my old boyfriends heart when I dumped him last month, he just got over me with a new girl, and I kinda miss my old boyfriend now, I shouldn't have dumped him, I still have feelings for him. But my new guy, Quinn is so nice to me! He treats me like i am a precious jewel to him! And when he hugs me, I feel safe ,but I guess I am jealous of my old boyfriend. Whenever people were around Joe (my old boyfriend), he would always show me off, but when we were alone, I was kinda like his buddy to watch a game with. And Quinn makes me feel like I belong with him, and we have been sorta friends for 3 years now, but his sister and I have been friends for since second grade!!! What do I do about this?

Parakeet training help!?

how can i begin training or taming my two parakeets? i've tried a few things, but they're still scared of me. i want to be able to have them calm.

How to deal with my horrible mother?

So my mother complains all the time that she does not have anyone to take care of her and pamper atleast one whole day (since my parents are divorced she gets very lonely). So I decided to cook for her and give her a break from the kitchen for today and start cooking. To be honest I hate the kitchen and I hate to cook but I somehow bring myself to do it. So I start...and since I dont cook too often I happen to take longer than what she would take to cook the same thing..Obviously. So just when I'm about done, she yells from the bedroom (where is is just lazing around) if I'm planning on providing her with breakfast or dinner because I'm taking so long! I'm like I'm done, here it is. She is so unhappy and starts eating and complaining about how long I took to make it and how I am so slow and how I still have to learn to do things right and how I'm incapable of providing her a happy breakfast etc...etc. At this point my blood is boiling....On top of making her breakfast and trying to do something nice, this ***** wants to complain on how I could not do it according to her standards! I just want to scream and say SCREW YOU *****, YOU DESERVE NOTHING! But instead I control my temper and tell her to stop nagging for which she explodes like a latent volcano and starts yelling at me and throwing stuff and acting like a psychotic poodle! I try to reason with her and tell her to calm down and she slaps me!!!!!!! At this point I lose my temper and start yelling too (I really wanted to slap her back but obviously I can't slap my mom). She tells me I'm a ***** and needs to be treated like one and she will make sure she will put me in my place blah blah...She says this was the reason my dad does not like me. WOW. I mean really?? My dad (another son of a gun) din't care about her and left her and because i was closer to her left me too) but to bring this on me like this and that too for what..trying to make her bloody breakfast??!! I had to remind her that he left her too and not just me. Now she is not talking to me and still is fuming and calling me names. So who is or her? What should I do? I do not want to live with this devil of a woman anymore. Any ideas?

Anxiety help, please?

is there something that makes you feel good even a little? i relate to what your saying and know what your feeling. do that one thing that makes you feel calm and when your in a place that makes you really anxious think about going home to that one thing that makes you calm, always keep that on your mind.

Can you put a belly button jewelry in a VCH piercing that dangles or is that too heavy?

I want to get a dangly playboy bunny jewel, but I want to know if that would be to heavy, or if you think it would work?? It was pierced with 16g but they said 14g would work too?

DSLR vs Camcorders for professional filming?

Yes major problem i see with using a DSLR to shoot a video. Your finger would get sore from holding the shutter button down continually. With a video camera it is push on, push off, no steady pressure needed

What usb do i need for my camera?

I have a Sony Digital Handycam dcr-trv145e-PAL and was wondering what usb I need to buy for the camera, considering it never came with one? If you know, It'd be great if you could give me a link to where you found the usb so i can purchase it? I have a load of lovely footage on my camera that i desperatly want to put online.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Ladies...would you kick a guy in the jewels for staring at your boobs?

i was on the bus today and there was a girl with really noticable nice breasts and she caught me staring and very annoyed said look down my top again and youll feel a crunch between your legs...i tried to appologize but still was staring and she just said you pig and kicked me (had to be as hard as possible) it was terrible and the rest of the way she just laughed while i was on the floor in tears...

How to be more 'upbeat' & confident instead of dense and slow? Please help?

So .... I really want to become a more 'upbeat' and confident person!! Not dense and slow.... stubborn like I am (I'm a taurus/earth element, which explains everything) is there any possible advice? Even if it takes a lot of practice! I'm up for it, I just don't want to be like such a 'down, calm, weak, dense, slow' type of person, I wanna be like fire!

What are some anime that i can watch?

Peach girl (i only watched some of it) um fruites basket. Chrono crusade (it has alot of action in it but there is also alot of love) thats all I could really think of...

10 easy points**** my ex won't get over me?

Being his friend isn't going to help him get over you. You need to cut him out of your life. At least until he gets works through his feelings.

BWings/Aslla Piscu OTK?

Clever, but requires far too many cards to be consistent. Also keep in mind that your opponent will likely use those ojamas as free syncro fodder the first turn they are put there.

How do I convert my Sony handy cam DCR-SX44 videos to work with after effects cs4?

When I try to import the videos into After Effects, it keeps on saying error: may have unsupported format. 86:1 (something like that). I am able to convert the video, but the quality is worse than it was before, and so I was wondering if there was a way to convert the video, while keeping the same quality or better.

Why did Jimmy carter give away the Panama Canal?

We made Panama a country, we bought and paid for the Canal, and we maintained it. So, why does a president who is scared of a rabbit give away a crown jewel of American know how and determination?

Ive always had a moral reservation against expensive jewelry, and general distrust towards those who buy it or?

...sell it. I have tried to get past it but I can't help mysels. I can't see any point on it other than pride or vanity. Its not like real art, scupture, music, poem, painting, or archectecture, it dosent convay drama or feeling like these do, and it seems to exist so the person wearing it can enjoy the flattery of others who wear it and are impressed. Is this a malfunction? Am I missing the point of expensive jewelry? It seems to be an insignifiicant way to use significant money. I just can't trust people who do that. I guess I think theyre selfish snobs deep down. Is it only me? Its like gangs who wear some identifyng garb, and in this case is a snob gand and jewels are what identify them to each other. Its mainly the ones preoccupied with costly jewelry who I don't trust...I guess I see them as little Queen of Hearts, like on Alice in Wonderland movie. Am I odd for this whole view?

Does the CD version of Queen's album "Jazz" come with the bicycle race poster?

A poster was included with the original vinyl release of Jazz that had the nude bicycle race. Queen's Crown Jewels box set that included the first 8 albums (including Jazz) came with the same poster, only smaller. I was just wondering if anyone who has bought the CD can answer this. Thank you!

Clear sunglasses to make snooki sunglasses plz help!?

There are different types of saftey glasses that you can use look at these

Song DCR-TRV17E white tube fell out?!?! CL31L23 error message?

Hi, I have a Sony DCR-TRV17E and I began getting the C:32:23 error message...I googled it and everyone said that smacking the side of the camera worked, so I did this and it didn't work. I then read that there is this little white tube thing that goes on one of the rollers and someone else's had cracked and that was the problem. This little white tube had previously fallen off mine at the time my camera started having issues...I have kept it and I inserted it again...but it still beeps, my little tube also has a crack in it...has anyone had the same problem and what should I do (any free solutions would be better :P)

HELP! How do I transfer pictures from camera to memory stick with a Sony DCR-SR42?

I need help, I need these pictures in my compie by tonight and I don't have a cable to transfer them :(((( Help pwease!!!

Question about combat?

i heard on a show when you fight,you have to be calm and flow like water,and it's mostly not about power/strength is it true?

Is this just a game for him?

Your best bet would be to ignore him for a bit or go no contact. Dont talk to him unless he initiates it. When he notices you havent been contacting him a bunch of thoughts will go through his head and he will become interested.

What dog breed sounds best for me?

No matter what you should walk your dog once a day even if it is a lazy breed. Funny enough I think that a rottweiler (one of the breeds you actually like) may be a good choice. I had one for years and she way very calm and was a fantastic dog. The problem with Rottweilers is that you may want one that is still a puppy (between 6-8 months) because they can get bad habits and can be aggressive if you do not establish dominance and teach them that biting is not acceptable. They are incredibly stubborn dogs but are definitely worth all the training and work in the end.

Girls; are these symptos normal during menstrual cycle?

I've been having backaches and nausea ... extreme headaches and very sleepy I want to know also how I can calm pain down? Any suggestions I've never had these symptoms thank u

Does methamphetamine act as a partial/full beta-blocker?

We know that small doses of d-methamphetamine calm certain people down, is this due to its effect as a beta-blocker or something else?

Will a vx1000 upload to a mac?

I wanted to buy a DCR-VX1000 and was wondering if I could upload the videos to a mac?? Does it use usb??

How is this description of my superhero?

its sounds like a sound idea but you have to elaborate. why does she fight crime? who are her main villains? (and please note that just saying common criminals dosnt make a good story.) is she alone or does she have allies? And probably most importantly what sets her apart from other superheroes, why would people read this instead of a different comic ? think about these. and her personality and the way she looks. Your idea sounds cool but if your serious you need to get it toghether and draw ideas and create a hole background for her. and if possible make up an origin story for her... what happend to make her become a hero.

Sony DCR-SX44 picture quality help?

Ok, so I just got a Sony DCR-SX44. I'm an amateur photographer and my camera broke, so my parents got me this because it takes video and pictures. The thing is, the pictures come out like a picture taken on a crappy cell phone. I know how to change the scene but not the quality. Can anybody help me fix the quality?

Import Sony Handycam DCR-DVD105 videos onto your computer?

Hi, i own a Sony Handycam DCR-DVD105 and i was wondering how i can get the video files off of the DVDs that it comes with. I would like to import them on my computer for use in sony vegas. I do have Roxio Creator 2010. Please help me for i have an urgent need to get this to work.

Welfare loving libs: Please answer this:?

I was just at the grocery store returning plastic bottles so my mom and I would have some extra money to go food shopping. The woman checking out in front of us paid for her order with $100 worth of food stamps (a credit card so its more discrete....). Meanwhile. This woman was pregnant, wearing beautiful clothes, a necklace and bracelet with various jewels and stones. Her husband was wearing D&G glasses. After paying, the woman proceeded to pull out a wad of cash to buy lottery tickets at the customer service station. So can you remind me where the American people's tax money is going?And do you truly believe that this woman (and the countless woman like her) deserve the hard earned money of people who are actually working and struggling to provide for their own families, yet having enough dignity to not accept help from the government?

Does this clutch bag look like one a woman would have worn in the 1950's?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

I have to deliver a long speech tomorrow. What Do I Do? Help!?

Does Red Bull calm your nerves down a bit? I feel fine speaking with people but standing and presenting..... eh?

Little piece of skin on my belly button piercing?

More information would be great, but it is normal. After couple of weeks it will get better. Don't worry to much. Just try not to touch it and try not to over clean it. :)

I'm so ANGRY I need to DESTROY something!!!!!!?

Family issues......I need to destroy something to calm down. And talking to them isn't such a good idea as I might end up destroying their face......what should I break? I don't think I've ever been this angry....what do I do?

Camcorder recorded video help?

ok, i recorded a video on my sony DCR-DVD710 hybrid dvd handycam camcorder. i recorded with a DVD-RW disc. i uploaded on to youtube and it shows the date and time of recording in the bottom right of the video. its so annoying and i have tried everything to get it off. can anyone tell me how to take it off? also help on croping the sides of the video please.

I need to know the name of a Jewel Game?

Hi there. I was hoping someone can tell me the name of a Jeweled game. all I can remember is that you have to fill up some shapes ex: bird, a diamond etc etc . I can't quite describe it but I would really love to find the name of that game. Please help???

New horse, He's nervous, tips?

Haiii, hahhaa I just bought a horse. He's 12 and a TB, so he's obviously a bit nervous anyways. He's been at my barn for 2 days now, I've showed him the property and he was free running in the arena. He was in there a good 15-20 minutes maybe? I was planning on lunging him tomorrow before I hopped on, are there any calming things I can do before I hop on? I talk to him and everything, are there any certain areas on your horse that if you rub and massage that calms him down?

How do I get the recordings from a Sony DIgital 8 DCR-TRV240 on my computer?

I borrowed this camcorder from a friend and they lost the USB driver disk along with the Pixela ImageMixer 1.0 disks, required for getting the videos from the camera to the computer. Is there any way to transport the information from the cassette to the computer, whether it be getting someone to do it for me, or downloading any programs. I need major help, the information on the camera if for a project, so any suggestions would be great.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Im selling my old yugioh cards what are they worth?

Your gonna have to sell it to someone you know it would be the best. But if not they have card shops and if the Obelisk is real its worth around 20-80$ and everything else together around 1-40$

Question about video camera?

I keep seeing lets of things about the Sony DCR-SX40 and some people say it records HD and some say it doesnt, Does it?

Which dress do you prefer?

i dont know of any similar ones, sorry. but i'm loving the 3rd and 1st!!!!! if you want a glam look, choose number 3. for something unique, choose number 1

Handycam movies incompatible with Adobe Premier Elements?

After filming movies on my Sony Handycam (Model#DCR-DVD650), the movies are stored on the video camera's memory card. After exporting the movies to my computer, they are (by default) saved as Mpegs. But for some reason, when I attempt to add them to an Adobe Premier Elements project, the program won't accept the movies. A window pops up, informing me - 'Unsupported Audio Rate in File.' I originally record these movies, from the camera, using HD and they look great. But in order to use them in an Adobe Premier Elements project I have to convert them. Then, when the project is done, I attempt to render them in the highest quality possible...but there's still diminishment. Finally, when the movie is uploaded to Youtube, there's further loss of quality. So the movies, right out of the camera look wonderful. By the time they get to YouTube, people ask me to film them in a better quality. Any idea why an Adobe Premier Elements doesn't accept the original file? Any recommendations? Thanks in advance.

Do you think gene simmons is faking the "break up" for entertainment ?

He has a show called Gene Simmons family Jewels. Gene and his GF "are breaking up in the show". Than on TV interview Shannon Genes GF walked out of the interview. I want to know is this real or do you think its all bout Gene's show on A&E??

How do I connect my sony handycam dcr-trv260 to my pc?

I want to use my handycam as a webcam, but for some reason my computer will install it but it won't let me use it like as if it wasn't installed. Also I am using my old pc so it's a xp, but if it's not possible to do it on xp I also have a laptop that runs windows 7.

Is this a good beginner to a poem about Summer?

Hmmm. Well, instead of saying flowers again in the third line you could say a TYPE of flower you are fond of ( Daisies, Lilacs, Roses. ) I would say try to make it more creative along the way :) After all, being creative is the best thing a poet can do.


I didn't expect it to happen , my boyfriend and I were just making out and yeah.. BUT . it wasn't his penis that went into me , it was his fingers . Now here's why I think I'm pregnant... Before that happened he had a ***** when we were making out , he unzipped his pants and touched his penis to try to calm it down, but then I saw he came a little , so now I'm wondering what if he touched the sperm with the same fingers he fingered me with? But he came just a little bit , the size of a rain drop. And this happened the day AFTER I was done with my period, so I was done ovulating .I'm just really worried at this point, I'm not ready for a child and I didn't plan on this happening. I asked him if he knew if there was sperm on his fingers when he did it but he said hes sure he didn't get any but I'm just freaking out right now. I don't want to tell my parents about this either , only my cousin and 2 of my best friends know about this... I really dont know what to do. PLEASE HELP ME...

Can you upload a Sony DCR-HC96 to the computer?

I am interestrd in getting a sony DCR-HC96 but is this like a digital camera where you hook it up to the computer and you can just put the videos on? Also someone is selling this camera used for $250. Is this a fair deal or a bargain or what? Would you highly recommend I buy it if I am looking for a nice video comera? Thanks!

Sony Handycam DCR DVD650 Camcorder?

I need a little help in deleting movies... I have tried the "home" then the third (I think) tab from the left, then "delete" and then the "delete with the movie sign" and the options after that are all grayed out... Does anyone know what I should do?

Miscarriage and due date help? ?

This is a tough situation. The best thing you can do is take her mind off it. Go some place fun that you two like to hang out at. Some place that will keep her busy and she'll have no idea you're trying to get her mind off things.

What antenna do you recommend?

I'm getting rid of my $200 cable bill! I've got HuluPlus and Netflix streamed to my PS3 and I've purchased a Tivo (should be here soon!). My issue is the broadcast stations. I get CBS, Fox, NBC, PBS and some other local "jewels" but I'm missing ABC. I e-mailed the local affiliate and they told me obviously my antenna was inferior and suggested a $100 antenna. Is this necessary? I've looked up my location on the FCC website (down to my address) and they say that the signal is strong. Any suggestions?

Sony Handycam dcr-dvd301 usb driver?

Maybe a stupid question but are you sure you need the driver? Under that camcorder the Sony site states "The drivers needed to connect most Sony� cameras and camcorders to a computer are already included in the Windows Vista and Windows XP operating systems." and the download doesn't include any drivers.

Why Is He Like This? Does He Dislike me? (Kinda long but please help!)?

He definately likes you. He is just shy! If you go up to him and strike up a conversation, he may be more interactive. I do the same things when I am anterested in a girl.

Sony DCR-TRV22 Question!?

I Have a Sony DCR-TRV22 Camcorder and it runs off cassette or Memory stick (NOT DUO!) its just called MEMORY stick... Where can i buy these? (I NEED ONE OVER 1GB MEMORY!) please answer :)

A little trouble with my girlfriend?

My girlfriend keeps packing on the pounds. I the past 2 months, she gained 35 lbs. She comes to me and cries on my shoulder and I reassure her that it's ok and that I love her for who she is. I actually prefer bigger women. I don't tell her that though. I am very cool with it and she is ashamed of herself. It seems every day there is a different pair of jeans that doesn't fit her anymore and she just cries and cries. I just try to keep her calm and tell her how much I love her. What do I do?

Woman who is always nervous?

I know this woman who is 50 years old who is extremely nice. She is such a nice person however, she is always nervous all the time. She has an asshole 30 year old daughter who has not gotten married and a jerk husband. I feel soo sorry for her. How can I help her overcome this nervousness and let her be calm?

Is there an age where cars endure a rapid change?

It seems like cats who are young tend to be more leggy and kitten looking. They are also very wild and playful. At what age does this change? When do they fill out, loose their kitten expressions, and calm down a lot? There has to be a rapid change at some age, because cats that are 2 are so much different than cats that are 5.

On which device is the video recording better? Canon g10 or sony handycam DCR-SR65?

The sony has a better resolution, and also, if you want the camera's purpose to be shooting videos then a camcorder would usually surpass a digital camera.


Your gonna think I'm crazy but... Take a hit. Buy a gram of weed from someone an smoke it. You'll be chill. And it will open up your mind.

How to you set the time for Sony Handycam DCR-SX65 slow shutter?

i want to make light painting and i want to set the timer for slower shutter, but i cant seem to find one and i dont know much about camcorder and sutff.

Will my bala shark be okay?

Hi. I have a bala shark that I've had for about 9 months. Well on Sunday I changed the decor and the gravel in my 56 gallon tank and put all of my fish into a big container. I would rinse some of the gravel and when I put it into the tank I would check the fish to make sure they were okay. When I came back to check on them(maybe 5 minutes or so) my poor bala was on the floor..I freaked out and my husband came and put him back into the water. He sat for a second then swam a bit but mostly just sat at the bottom of the container I'm sure out of shock. Within a day I noticed his eyes becoming white and hazy and his breathing had slowed down. I put melafix into the tank and added some extra salt to calm him and get his protective coating back. We got the hospital tank set up and ready for him and he's been in there swimming around like normal but now he seems to be resting. The poor guy has lost half of his back fins and he can't see which means he can't eat. I feel so bad for him he's already been through so much. He had hemmorogic septicemia and the other fish tore his fins up so bad he couldn't swim..but we fixed him right up and he had never been better. So I'm pretty upset that he has to go though this. Sorry I'm rambling on and on I just don't know what else to do for him...the water perimeters in both tanks are great and my other fish are doing fantastic. But my bala was one of my first fish. Can anyone tell me if he will be able to see again and how long it will take for his tail fins to grow back? If he will ever be able to eat again. Oh and also if there may have been brain damage..he was out of the water for probably about 5 minutes. Thank you so much in advance for any suggestions and please no mean comments I already feel pretty horrible as it is.

IS HE JUST being nice and friendly?

He can possibly like you. hangout with him more and tell him how you feel. you have to find out if he likes you the same way, Give it a try. Help me with mine?

I Cant capture video with my DV camara?

I have a Sony DV camara recorder DCR-TRV280 NTSC and every time i try capturing in WMM or PRemiere I says " no device found" or something like that..... but there is .. and its connected...... HOW?! or whats wrong...?

How can i tame my hamster?

my hamster lets me pet her but not hold her she is not yet tamed! i just cant tame her ill get her calm in my hands and a second later shes scared of me again and tries to run from me! what can i do to make taming her easier for the both of us?!

Rate my black and white team?

hmm idk who you would take out, but if you look in i think its called the white forest? catch a slakoth with the ability to never fall asleep. slaking is the best non legendary pokemon you can get if u can find one that doesnt slak off. unless your not going for a non legendary team then i would definatly switch out elektross for zekrom or the white one

Monday, July 11, 2011

My boyfriend and i argue all the time, what do i do?!!?

It's always argue, every day, every other hour! even after like two day's break from talking to each other we still argue like hell. through text we sometimes don't understand each other, or one of us gets confused and then when we talk on the phone, we end up kinda yelling at each other so that kind of makes us tired and is pointless. We try to calm ourselves down, but the arguing just continues. We have different views on life. he was raised in eastern cultrure and me in western so our mind sets are completely different. but we love each other too much to break up. we're crazy about each other, just argue alot, i at a melting point right now. please help. any suggestions on what to do?

Does Jewel-Osco sell tart pans?

I need a 12-inch tart pan with a removable bottom for baking. Does jewel sell these or will I have to go elsewhere?

Do you know anyone who has ever won in a grievance prodecure at a college taken all the way to the president?

It started as a grade grievance with honest, documented proof. College policy was violated because the college director did not answer within the 7 days policy states. I have remained calm, cofident and respectful at each turn watching all cover their backs. Do I stand a chance taking it to the president as my next step?

Is this a scenario where the person was "asking" to get hit/attacked?

Your friend is seriously out of control. She does not have the right to hit another person regardless of the reason. Going to jail might be beneficial.

Sony video camera problems!?

dcr-sx63 video camera has a blinking orange light on the screen. please help if you know how to fix or what it means. Ive tried charging and changing the sim card!

Any tips for what glue to use and where to find it for hime nails?

Me and my friend got together and bought some fake nails from Safeway and used to glue that came with them to glue beads and jewels etc. to them. mine turned out pretty good(for a first try) my design reminded me of fish and i loved them. but the glue didn't hold well and i lost all the beads in the pool, and the jewels seem to be holding fine. it made me wonder if i had to avoid swimming if i wanted these nails in the summer, or if there was some sort of glue that was easy to work with, inexpensive and easy to acquire that i could use. any suggestions?

For a camcorder, how do you install firewall?

I have a windows 7 computer so I asume I probably can (unless with windows 7 its already installed?) and is it something that when you upload videos from the camcorder, is it wireless or a cord is used? I am very close to buying a Sony DCR-HC96 and before I spend a lot on it, I would like to know everything. Thanks!

SAD/DCR surgery question?

Having this done pretty soon and i was curious if anyone had this done and was able to return to tennis? i had a SAD on my right arm last year and it helped the impingement syndrome but unfortunately when i returned to tennis i was not able to serve without alot of pain so i toughed out the spring season.. we decided it was my a/c that was causing most of the discomfort so im having a SAD/DCR done... pain wise im expected the same as last year which is only bad for a couple days but any comments would be cool

Gene simmons or his "wife?"?

So last night on Family Jewels who do you think deserves the blame for this possible divorce? Gene or Shannon?

Any way to connect older Bose Jewel Cube speakers to a Bose GS 3-2-1 Any workaround would be appreciated?

Bose couldn't repair my old Lifestyle system (19 good years) so they sold me a GS 3-2-1 system. I managed to keep the old Jewel Cube speakers and would like to add them to the 3-2-1 Everybody says you can't, but I'm betting some audiophile out there can tell me a way to do it.

Is this wierd for a cat?!!!?

I have a cat whose about 10 months old and he's terrified of balloons. They don't have to be helium balloons, just regular size balloons filled with air. He's never been exposed to balloons before or anything like that and he's an indoor cat. My daughters birthday party was a few days ago and there were balloons. And he's been so terrified for days he won't go anywhere but under the bed. The party was a few days ago and all the balloons are gone but he still freaks out if he goes in the living room or any other part of the house. He's so cautious and his eyes are wide open as I have tried to bring him to the living room to show him the balloons are gone but he still gets freaked out and tries his best to claw his way out of my arms everytime I show him. He used to be such a calm animal who would basically follw you around everywhere you went. I don't know what to do anymore. Is this normal in a way? How can I help my cat get over his fear of balloons even though they're not even in the house anymore?

Nail Jewels and Topcoat? :)?

So, I love doing nail art with different jewels, but whenever I apply a topcoat to ensure that the jewels don't fall off, the topcoat takes the shine away from the jewels and almost..."dulls" them down, if that makes sense? Am I just using a bad topcoat?